easyTEL mouse telemetry
Telemetry for mice easyTEL easyTEL is a fully implantable telemetry system, that transmits physiological data from conscious freely moving small subjects weighing 20 g or more, single-housed. Intended for use in preclinical research, easyTEL-S size implants are ideal for mice and offer the ability to continuously record Biopotential (ECG, EEG, EMG, EOG)* , Core Body […]
ecgTUNNEL for rodents
Non-invasive ECG recording ecgTUNNEL for rodents ecgTUNNEL is a plug-and-play system for snapshot ECG* recordings and respiration data in rodents that eliminates the need for surgery and anesthesia. It combines up to 6-lead ECG with an optional plethysmograph dome for respiratory endpoints with optional exposure and infusion options. This set up is particularly useful for […]
Data loggers
Telemetry data loggers for small animals emka TECHNOLOGIES distributes Star-Oddi small data loggers, also called DST (data storage tags) that offer continuous measurements throughout the research period and store the data in their internal memory. The Star-Oddi product family includes telemetry loggers, allowing real time access to the recordings of: Core temperature Heart rate The same logger can be reused […]
CODA system for rodent blood pressure
CODA system For noninvasive blood pressure emka TECHNOLOGIES offers the CODA system from Kent Scientific, to perform noninvasive blood pressure measurements in mice and rats. Blood pressure is measured in the tail of the mouse or rat using Volume Pressure Recording (VPR) sensor technology. This screening tool eliminates the need for surgery and anesthesia. Compatible […]
Small animal anesthesia systems
Anesthesia systems for small animals emka TECHNOLOGIES provides the SomnoSuite® and the SomnoFlo®, low-flow anesthesia systems from Kent Scientific. Especially designed for mice, rats and small animals, it eliminates the need for cumbersome clinical vaporizerss. Two models are available to fit your protocol requirements. SomnoFlo is a compact, standalone vaporizer with a built-in, automated anesthetic delivery […]
Vital sign monitoring
Vital sign monitoring for small animals emka TECHNOLOGIES provides PhysioSuite® for mice and rats, a modular system that allows you to select the modules you need now, with the option to add more modules later: Pulse oximeter & heart rate monitoring Temperature Monitoring and homeothermic control End-Tidal CO2 Monitoring – 0 to 16%, 0 to120 mmHg Automatic […]